My TOP reading list 2023-2024

1. Reopening Muslim Minds


3. The Expanding Blaze: How the American Revolution Ignited the World, 1775-1848

4. Flights of Fancy: Defying Gravity by Design and Evolution

5. The Anarchy 

6. Lost in the Sacred: Why the Muslim World Stood Still

7. A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing

8. Arab Patriotism: The Ideology and Culture of Power in Late Ottoman Egypt

9. Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origins of Islam

10. Making the Arab World: Nasser, Qutb, and the Clash That Shaped the Middle East 


Journalists who do not report the truth
News papers that don’t print the news
Universities that censors knowledge
Professors that are silent about history
Diplomats craving war
Senators who vote against their values
Reps who don’t represent their people
Countries that ignore their foundations
Law enforcement that suppresses
Judicial System that oppresses
Cruelty celebrated as suspense
Genocide as self defense
Social media that censors truth
United Nations against Peace
Vetos for killing children
Lies are repeated by Presidents
You have fallen
with a bang,
that has awakened
this failing world.


5 Articles and Quotes Against Emails

Email, when invented, was a major change in the way we communicate. Today, and pushed by the Corona Virus Pandemic, email has become a major part of the information industy, which accounts for 1/3 of all US workers.

Many articles are being written today against the way we use email today. I will list 5 in this article and some of the important points they present:

Continue reading “5 Articles and Quotes Against Emails”

Bill Gates Think Week

Bill Gates started taking “Think Weeks” back in the 90s to help him think and process. He used to call them CPU time. CPU is the central processing unit of a computer and it takes time to process data. That time is very short for computers but Bill Gates needed a week to process data and think about new ideas. He would read an average of 17 books during these think weeks.

He would go to a cabin on a lake, with a pen and paper and Diet Coke, no electronics other than occasionally. Here are some photos I took off a documentary on Netflix titled: Inside Bill’s Brain.

Research and Resolutions

1. Recent studies have linked more frequent Facebook use to poor physical and mental health, plus diminished life satisfaction. 

Resolution 2017.10.1.a decrease checking Facebook and Instagram from 1 time a day to 1 time a week 

2. Research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that people who spent money on saving time, reported greater life satisfaction. 

Resolution 2017.10.1.b dedicate a budget for secondary  Services

3. Research found that People who felt the wisest range of positive emotions had the lowest levels of inflammatory markers in their blood. 

Resolution 2017.10.1.c verbalize the positive feelings of emotion and express them, and take note on what causes them to increase it. 

4. Research shows that forgiving yourself and others can protect against stress and the toll it takes on mental health. 

Resolution 2017.10.1.d forgive and let go of all grudges 

5. Research shows that over planning and under planning trips may

Resolution 2017.10.1.e take smaller random trips and vacations locally 

6. Research shows any kind of green space can make you happier. 

Resolution 2017.10.1.f  insist on visiting and holding meetings or gatherings in green spaces 

7. Research shows that supportive friendships was found to be a better predictor of well-being than having strong family connections. 

Resolution 2017.10.1.g increase friends 

8. Research shows that giving makes you happier than taking. That Random acts of kindness can bring a person happiness. 

Resolution 2017.10.1.h do a random act of kindness every day 

Thought of the Day

This rock is a history book of 350 Million years of history. Each inch narrates a history of about 10,000 years. Every page of this book, with all the plant and animal fossils within it, matches the model of evolution. Not one contradiction. Not one exception. Never has been a theory more proven in science, to the extent that it is now the basis of all modern understanding of science.

Unfortunately, as an engineer, I didn’t get to understand it till I was in my late 20’s.

If you don’t understand the theory of evolution, take few months of reading on it, for it is the ABC’s of the education of a modern man. Without understanding it, you are choosing to be scientifically illiterate. HIGHSCHOOL and COLLEGE won’t teach it. It is a personal effort.

Recommended Books:
1. The origin of species
2. The Selfish Gene
3. The Fish Within Us
4. The Greatest Show on Earth
5. Unweaving the Rainbow
6. The Magic of Reality