I studied piano at Henry Ford Community College from 1996 to 1998, and self taught himself further. During that time, he passed Piano 1, Piano 2, Piano 3, and Piano 4, and studied 1 year directed study with Piano professor where he performed a piece from each era: A piece of Bach, Mozart Turkish March, Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, and Love Story as a modern piece.

I also studied a boot camp for Guitar made of 5 sessions, but he is mostly self taught. He also self taught Ukulele.

There is a quality to poorly performed music pieces. A reflection of my lack of training on something I have so much passion for, and an inclination to be talented at. The lack of music education in the Middle East, and the further discouragement of music education within Muslim households contributed to this poor performances. Nevertheless, I perform making a point of the beauty that insists on appearing every time someone tries to hide it or suppress it.